
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Drivin' Right Through

So Spring break is nearing it's end for me : ( Luckily, I got to spend time with my grandparents and dad during it. I had an awesome time. My grandpa is the pastor of his own church named New Life located in Stockton. Thursday was their bible study service in which this time teh congragants stood at the front one at a time to read a scripture and tell the reason behind reading that scriputre. Many gave testimonies of how God continually lifted them up throughout the week. I enjoyed it. At the end, Bro. Andy was closing the service and he told one story that just really caught my attention. I knew I had to post it and share the huge amount of followers I have on this blog lol. He didn't give a name for it so I will:

One day a girl and her grandpa went to the store to get some necessities for dinner. The trip there was a' ok, but when they exited the store, the girl noticed some storm clouds, "Papa it looks like a storm." She said, a little fear ebbing into her voice, but her grandfather replied, "Just keep on walking to the car. As She hit the main road towards home it began to rain hard, "Papa should I pull over?" She asked. But her Papa just replied, "Keep on driving." So she did. The rain came down harder almost like hail. The wind increased speed. It raced through the trees so fast, it began to howl across the landscape. " Papa it's growing worse, Should I pull over?" She asked driving carefully down the road. "Keep driving." He said. So she did. As she continued driving along the road, the rain poured against the car harder. It was so dark she could not see more than a couple feet ahead of her car. They passed a small group of cars that had pulled over to the side. She continued driving, but they passed some more cars that had pulled to the side. " Papa, other cars are pulling over, should I pull over?" She asked trying to see through the thick downpour of rain. "No, just keep on driving." he answered. So she did. And within a couple minutes they were out of the storm. Her grandpa turned to her and said, "Now you can pull over." Once she had he said, "Look those people who stopped in the storm are still in the strom..."
I love it! Isn't this story the truth. Just because you quit or stop trying or what not, it doesn't make your situation any better. It will not get you out of the storm. Put your trust in God and keep going. Keep driving, keep presevering.
"Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."- Romans 5:1-5 NKJV

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Misconceptions of Baptism

Ok I think the First serious post should be on baptism-since my blog name is nowbaptized. There are so many misconceptions out there that people are so confused and just don't know what from what. May I just insert here that that is the devils plan. To get everyone jumbled up and confused people just say "forget it. We won't believe anything." or "Forget it. This is too hard we give up. Baptism isn't necessary." HOLD ON if these are your thoughts. Baptism is a key to salvation and beginning your walk with God. It is undeniably required for one to enter the Kingdom of heaven. So let's begin with these common misconceptions.

Misconception 1: "You don't have to be baptized to be saved."

This is a common one that many people close to me believe. Please listen if you believe this. A great reason to not believe this lie-EVEN JESUS WAS BAPTIZED. Here read-"And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in the Jordon." Mark 1:9 KJV. The mention of Jesus' baptism is present not only in Mark, but in all three books that retell the life of Jesus. Jesus-God in flesh (if you don't believe this, there will be a post on it) was baptized. Not only was Jesus baptized, he even told others to be baptized! Nicodemus asked Jesus how can a man be born again? and Jesus replied, " Verily , Verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." Jesus tells us we need to be baptized in WATER and SPIRIT!!! People let's stop trying to analyze his warning. He doesn't tell us in a parable. No he tells us in a straightforward manner that you MUST be baptized in water AND spirit. There is nothing to "read" or no other meaning from his statement. If there was why would he be baptized in water? It would be a waste of time, and since Jesus had little time to do what he needed, he would not "waste" his time with full immersion water baptism if he did not need to. Even Jesus could not enter the Kingdom of heaven without baptism-that's what this scripture tells us. So please head his advice and get baptized!

Misconception 2: "A prayer that I accepted Christ is enough"

This is a huge lie. It's good you want to accept Christ and change your life around, but a prayer is not enough not only to enter the heaven but also to give you strenght in living a saved life. Please read Misconception 1 and return to misconception 2. Ok now that you've read that not only did Jesus say everyone must be baptized and was baptized himself, let's continue. My thought on this when I was thinking of baptism was of course it makes since to be baptized. I did not know the previous stated sciptures and did not understand why. I justified me getting baptized like this lol. "When one grows another year we have a birthday party. An physical action to MARK the change. When one is married, we have a wedding-a physical action to MARK the change in those two people's lives. When one dies we have funeral-an action to Mark this unfortunante change. All theses things, a birthday party, a wedding, a funeral, are big events we do to SHOW/MARK a change. It only makes since that when we make the most significant decision of our lives, that we would say more than a prayer...we will have an action to MARK that we want to change and that we are obedient to His word. People can say a prayer on a daily basis, like eating. But when you accept Christ, it's big. More than a birthday and wedding. Therefore wouldn't we do something big for this as well? Think about it. Jesus said to be born again, one must be baptized in WATER and SPIRIT, he did not say to say a prayer.

Misconception 3: "Baptism in the Trinity is the same as Baptism in Jesus name"
The bible states that when we are baptized we be baptized in the NAME OF JESUS. This made my brows furrow in confusion because all I'd been taught was baptism in the trinity. I never knew Jesus name baptism even existed haha. Anyways, no it's not the same. It's good you wanted to obey God by being baptized, but the trinity does not wash away your sins. Not only because the trinity does not exist-there is only one God who MANIFESTED himself. There are not three seperate beings. (more on this late)-but also because the bible says to be baptized in the NAME of Christ. Acts 2:38 "Then Peter said unto them, 'Repent,and let every one of you be baptized in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins; and you shall recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit."; Acts 19:5 " When they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus."

The only place in the bible that refers to baptizing the Father,Son, and Holy Ghost is Matthew 28:19. When I found this I showed it to Candace (my friend who invited me to church) and she pointed out a detail many miss, "Go thereforeand make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the NAME of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." As you notice name is singular not plural. Peter even says in Acts 4:10 and12, "Let it be known to you all, and to all he people of Isreal, that by the NAME of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole...Nor is there salvation in any other NAME under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." There is just one name (I will do another post about oneness) Jesus is that name.

Thank you for reading. As a note I used NKJV for all the scriptures.I pray I helped someone get a clearer undersanding. IF you have any questions feel free to ask.

The most beautiful sights ever

Well it's been a while since I've written anything. It's a combination of being crazy busy and not knowing what to write lol. But I've had a burden to share something for a couple of months now and I'll just call it the most beautiful things ever because I can't agree which is the best of them all lol.

Beautiful Sight # 1:
Most friday nights our youth group meets. Sometimes we do something called realtime- which is like church for youth or we do connect- which is a more casual get together. Well a while back after a realtime service two young people decided to get baptized and so there at around 11 pm we baptized two young people in Jesus name!! That is a beautiful sight! After they were baptized me and Pritika just ran around the church doing laps and praising God. I tell you the glory of my Lord and Savior fell and I got lost in the Holy Ghost! Looking out at our empty church in the middle of the night after God just saved two teenagers...That is the most beautiful thing!

Beautiful Sight #2:
Sometimes during alter call I finsih a bit early and so i return to my seat and just praise the Lord while watching others pray. When I do that I get overwhelmed by how much God loves us. He gives us family, people to pray with. He gives us fellowship and friends. He gives us second chances and encouragement and strength. HE washes away all our sins and still gives and gives and gives. As I sit and watch and think, I can't help but think Lord this is the most beautiful sight.

Beautiful Sight #3
I think another really beautiful sight is when kids go with their parents to the alter and pray. That is just so precious. They are already so hungry for God and that is another beautiful sight.

Beautiful sight #4:
The last one I have come across so far is when you see a guest-especially someone you invited, come to the alter and actively seek after the Holy Ghost and get baptized in Jesus name!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What not to put on a job application

Hehe ok first Blog post yay! Have no idea what to put lol. Honestly I'm transferring stuff I posted on myspace here at the moment. Anyway found this a couple years ago and still find it hilarious lol enjoy:

Name: Who want's to know?

Postion: Reclining haha. but seriously anything availible. if I was in a position to be picy I wouldn't be applying here in the first place.

Desired Salary: $185,000 a year plus stock options. If that's not possible make an offer. We can haggle.

Education: Yes.

Last Postion: Target for middle management hostility

Salary: Less than I'm worth

Most Notable Achievement: My incredible collection of "borrowed" pens and post-it notes

Reason for Leaving: It sucked.

Hours Availible to Work: Any

Preferred Hours: 1:30-3-30 Monday,Tuesday. and Thursday.

Do You Have Any Special Skills: Yes, my ninja moves

May We Contact Your Current Employer: If I had one, would I be here?

Do You Have Any Physical Conditions That Would Prohibit You From Lifting 50IBs.: Of what?

Do You Have A Car: I think the more appropriate question is "Do you have a car that runs?"

Have You Recieved any Special awards or recognition: I may already be a winner of Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes

Do You Smoke: Only when set on fire

What Would You Like To Be Doing In Five Years: Living in the Bahamas with a ridiculously wealthy supermodel who thinks I'm the best thing since sliced bread.

Do You Certify That All Of The Above Is True And Complete To The Best Of Your Knowledge: No, but I dare yo uto prove otherwise.

Sign Here: Scorpio with a Libra rising.