Being Apostolic Pentecostal is wayyy different than being in the world. The culture is very different from what I was use to in the world and I've adjusted. One of the topics is marriage. Many Many Many women my age, I'd say from 16 on up wonder about God's plan in their life. Who they are going to marry? And if they will get married at all. I'll tell you it's not easy being single. Period. No matter if you're in the church or the world. And it's even harder to have a good godly relationship. In my meager two years in the church it seems I personally can never find my fit. OR not find (because God does that) I'll say I'm never approached by my fit. Either the personality doesn't match, or the personality matches perfectly BUT they are not in church good, and then you have the guys that aren't in church at all but still want to go out with you. And it's all tempting. It's really really tempting to settle. BUT ladies that's why you need to know what you want. If I didn't have my list of qualities or well say if I didn't have my standards I defiantly would have gone out with a couple of the aforementioned guys. Because most of them met my in the world standards-tall, handsome, funny, sweet, etc. Now that I'm in church though my standards have changed. Now at the top of the list above all else he must be godly. Ladies the man is the head of your household. I want a husband that will pray before making any decision. If I have to follow him, he better be following the Lords leading otherwise, I'm not going anywhere... but back to the point. In the world I would have settled for these guys, but now i won't. I can't.
I found this great series by a woman named Barbra Willoughby on youtube about a year ago and it truly helped me. I hope it helps you too. I wanted to send her a thank you and tell her how much it helped me, but I found that she had passed away. I will defiantly be sending a note to her family though. She is phenomenal and you can tell she was a God fearing and centered woman.