First off, I want to follow up with "stuck in the mud" lol. I left on a bitter and depressed note. I was soooo tired but Praise the Lord for winter break. A much needed break if you ask me. The good news is I got good grades and I am proud of myself. 2 A's and 2 B+'s . I usually get 2 A's and 2 B's but this time I got 2 B+'s. yep a half step up and I'm proud of my hard work. If I work hard next quarter I might just get 3 A's and one B. That's my goal. Baby steps.
In other exciting Bianca news I have joined a new website to post the chapters of a novel I a m currently working on. I will keep everyone posted when I post the first chapter and at that time I will have a summary and everything for you all. For now, you may view my profile (void of any work at the present moment) at If you are an avid reader. Like to read and enjoy new stories please please please give it a look AND leave a comment whether you like it or not. I will take all comments seriously. :D
That's my news! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Stuck in the Mud
Hello all. School has been in session for 7 weeks, I have fallen behind on updating the blog for my Sunday School class, and I am avoiding a homework assignment by writing this post. That's what Week 7 does to you. I can't think. Literally. My mind is fogged and my eyes are literally glazing over. I want to take a hiatus from life until finals week. Awww the joys of College and the quarter sister.
I'm falling behind on everything- including laundry. But I am enjoying school. It's at this point in the quarter where you have to pull out all you've got and push yourself. I will make it...right now I'm on my knees trudging through the mud that is homework, projects,classroom stuff for Sunday school, and everyday chores. Soon I will be slowly crawling through the thick fog, then i will gain barely enough energy to take finals and Hurray! It shall be Christmas break. I will have barely have round up enough stamina to finish the quarter on a good note...but I will have gathered enough motivation and stamina and it will be enough. It will be enough even if my mind is stuck in the mud...
I'm falling behind on everything- including laundry. But I am enjoying school. It's at this point in the quarter where you have to pull out all you've got and push yourself. I will make it...right now I'm on my knees trudging through the mud that is homework, projects,classroom stuff for Sunday school, and everyday chores. Soon I will be slowly crawling through the thick fog, then i will gain barely enough energy to take finals and Hurray! It shall be Christmas break. I will have barely have round up enough stamina to finish the quarter on a good note...but I will have gathered enough motivation and stamina and it will be enough. It will be enough even if my mind is stuck in the mud...
Saturday, September 24, 2011
It's Here and I'm Nervous!
I have so much to write about, I don't know where to start.
Well something new since I've been back is I've become lead teacher of my Sunday School class. And I'm hyperventilating I'm so nervous! I went from freaking out- "Oh God, I've only been in Sunday school for 6 months! I can't do this. What if I do something wrong! Oh lord." To calm- " I know you'll be with me God. I can do this. You've given me all these great ideas and things improve upon." To now. Now it is-" Lord I'm super nervous. I feel like tomorrow is my first day. And it is my first day being in Charge charge. You are with me. Help me to do your will and a good job. Use me for Your Glory my King"
So I'm still nervous (my heart is pounding in my chest as the minutes tick down.) I'm sure I'll start shacking and have to do my breathing exercises once Sunday morning hits. I'm not joking. Right before I teach I'm always anxious. But tomorrow, I have a new role, a new teacher in the class, new kids, and a new beginning for Primary Soldiers : ). I wonder what God will do... I'll defiantly keep you posted on my journey as lead teacher.
Well something new since I've been back is I've become lead teacher of my Sunday School class. And I'm hyperventilating I'm so nervous! I went from freaking out- "Oh God, I've only been in Sunday school for 6 months! I can't do this. What if I do something wrong! Oh lord." To calm- " I know you'll be with me God. I can do this. You've given me all these great ideas and things improve upon." To now. Now it is-" Lord I'm super nervous. I feel like tomorrow is my first day. And it is my first day being in Charge charge. You are with me. Help me to do your will and a good job. Use me for Your Glory my King"
So I'm still nervous (my heart is pounding in my chest as the minutes tick down.) I'm sure I'll start shacking and have to do my breathing exercises once Sunday morning hits. I'm not joking. Right before I teach I'm always anxious. But tomorrow, I have a new role, a new teacher in the class, new kids, and a new beginning for Primary Soldiers : ). I wonder what God will do... I'll defiantly keep you posted on my journey as lead teacher.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Simple Update
Hello all!
I have had an awesome summer : ). I've been in denver for about a month and a half. It was AMZAZING. My mom has decided to continue to go to church - she lives in Denver and i usually take her with me when i'm there. Well she wants to go regularly! Praise God! He truly answers prayers lol. Anywho, while in Denver I witnessed to my uncle and grandma. In the past i've been able to witness to my sister and tell my niece and nephew the gospel too. So God was using me and I was happy to be of service.
Ladies Conference:
I attended the Colorado District Ladies COnference- even though i'm from California yes i can still sttend lol. It was AWESOME! God moved it was amazing! Sis Vani Marshall was the main speaker for the evvent, but Sis DEbbie Sanders also spoke. Both women are phenomenal and HILARIOUS lol.
You can watch it as she ministers to the Pentecostals of Bossier. Anyway God sure is using her. Thank you Lord for saving this lady and using her. She is a powerful speaker and ANOINTED! Amazing Testimony, but then again they always are lol. Any Testimony is beautiful if you ask me : ) enjoy
I have had an awesome summer : ). I've been in denver for about a month and a half. It was AMZAZING. My mom has decided to continue to go to church - she lives in Denver and i usually take her with me when i'm there. Well she wants to go regularly! Praise God! He truly answers prayers lol. Anywho, while in Denver I witnessed to my uncle and grandma. In the past i've been able to witness to my sister and tell my niece and nephew the gospel too. So God was using me and I was happy to be of service.
Ladies Conference:
I attended the Colorado District Ladies COnference- even though i'm from California yes i can still sttend lol. It was AWESOME! God moved it was amazing! Sis Vani Marshall was the main speaker for the evvent, but Sis DEbbie Sanders also spoke. Both women are phenomenal and HILARIOUS lol.
You can watch it as she ministers to the Pentecostals of Bossier. Anyway God sure is using her. Thank you Lord for saving this lady and using her. She is a powerful speaker and ANOINTED! Amazing Testimony, but then again they always are lol. Any Testimony is beautiful if you ask me : ) enjoy
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Closing My Suitcase

Well it's been a while. I know you guys have missed me lol. Anyways even if no one does read this blog, I feel i need to vent. I guess i can have a journal -which i do. But I want someone to actually see this. I want this to have the possibility to be read. God has opened my eyes about 2 1/2 years ago and I have been living for Him since then. But these past couple of months God has been dealing with me on certain issues from my past. It's amazing to me because He is still cleaning my brain out. Clearing my mind,clearing all the cob-webs.
I heard this song on Klove called "Suitcases" by Dara Mclean. It spoke to me. It wasn't til recently that i felt God saying to me "It's time to close this door, because i have something so much better for you behind My door." So i feel my spirit saying Good-bye past. I'm closing my 'suitcase' on my past and all the junk that was in it. I'm packing all my regrets, all these things i thought I accomplished by myself and letting it go. I thought I was giving God my all but He revealed to me a tiny area where I have yet to trust and give it over to Him. So I am giving it over. I'm closing my suitcase and letting it stay while I travel down the path God has planned for me.I feel as though I am maturing a little bit more- which is always awesome.
Here's the song for the Caspers that actually read this blog lol:
Saturday, February 19, 2011
A Little Frustration Might Do Me Good
This blog is for my many adventures born-again spirit filled Jesus-name Christian right? Well I have a story about how a little mental venting helped me find an answer to a question that I'm sure many Christians of today want to know: Why is it so hard to get people to come to church?
As a christian the main objective is to perpetuate the gospel, is it not? The main reason God pulled us out of our situation and filled us with His Holy Spirit was so we could minister to others and help them come to God. I have been saved for a little more than 2 years now and though I have been successful in getting one of my friends and her father baptized, I feel unsatisfied. That event occurred like a year ago. What have i done since then? Who have I ministered to? I invite my friends to events and they actually do come. Which is awesome. I'm grateful they step foot onto church property lol. But When I invite them to an actual service, I get a different reply. If you are a friend of mine who i have invited to church and our reading this...feel no pressure to come. It just puzzles me is all.
Anyways I had just invited a friend to church to hear me sing a solo i'll be doing on sunday :). and she said "I'll come for the solo and then i'm leaving"...That really got me. So much effort is done to avoid church. This friend has the same attitude toward church that i did. I use to think, "Living a christian life is boring, i'll party now and live for God later...When I'm older." To me it was always later. But what disturbs me is Jesus is coming back. Get into God now because soon there will not be a later.
I was laying on my bed thinking " Why is it so hard to get people to come to one church service? Just one. Don't they want to go to Heaven? Don't they know that Jesus is coming back?" And then the Holy Ghost answered my own question, "Yea they want to go to Heaven, but they don't want to give up their life stlye. They know that one service is all it can take to convict their spirits and turn from their ways. One service is all it could take to draw them in and give them a hunger for the things of God. They don't want to hunger, they don't want to be convicted, they don't want to give up their life. They want to go to Heaven, but they don't want to change." This shouldn't have surprised me. You hear this all the time in services, about how people want God, but don't want to change. Don't want to live righteously. But somehow it still irks me because time is of the essence. It's running out. Yet human will holds some folks back.
I got an answer to my question which was awesome. Yet it still disturbs me...if I invite them to anything but church they'd come with no argument and no questions. Yet if I invite them to even a church event I get so much resistance. I pray against these barriers. I an not backing down. I want to take as many friends to Heaven with me as I can. I want to see as many of my friends lives change as I can.
And so I am learning, not all my adventures as a christian will be happy go lucky. Some will be pushing in the spirit and praying fervently for lost souls. Some will be encouraging yourself to keep pushing although in the natural, the situation looks bleak. Some adventures as a christian will push me out of my comfort zone...and that is how a little frustration can do one good. I'm frustrated with my friends attitude toward God, so I'll pray some more...that is all i can do.
As a christian the main objective is to perpetuate the gospel, is it not? The main reason God pulled us out of our situation and filled us with His Holy Spirit was so we could minister to others and help them come to God. I have been saved for a little more than 2 years now and though I have been successful in getting one of my friends and her father baptized, I feel unsatisfied. That event occurred like a year ago. What have i done since then? Who have I ministered to? I invite my friends to events and they actually do come. Which is awesome. I'm grateful they step foot onto church property lol. But When I invite them to an actual service, I get a different reply. If you are a friend of mine who i have invited to church and our reading this...feel no pressure to come. It just puzzles me is all.
Anyways I had just invited a friend to church to hear me sing a solo i'll be doing on sunday :). and she said "I'll come for the solo and then i'm leaving"...That really got me. So much effort is done to avoid church. This friend has the same attitude toward church that i did. I use to think, "Living a christian life is boring, i'll party now and live for God later...When I'm older." To me it was always later. But what disturbs me is Jesus is coming back. Get into God now because soon there will not be a later.
I was laying on my bed thinking " Why is it so hard to get people to come to one church service? Just one. Don't they want to go to Heaven? Don't they know that Jesus is coming back?" And then the Holy Ghost answered my own question, "Yea they want to go to Heaven, but they don't want to give up their life stlye. They know that one service is all it can take to convict their spirits and turn from their ways. One service is all it could take to draw them in and give them a hunger for the things of God. They don't want to hunger, they don't want to be convicted, they don't want to give up their life. They want to go to Heaven, but they don't want to change." This shouldn't have surprised me. You hear this all the time in services, about how people want God, but don't want to change. Don't want to live righteously. But somehow it still irks me because time is of the essence. It's running out. Yet human will holds some folks back.
I got an answer to my question which was awesome. Yet it still disturbs me...if I invite them to anything but church they'd come with no argument and no questions. Yet if I invite them to even a church event I get so much resistance. I pray against these barriers. I an not backing down. I want to take as many friends to Heaven with me as I can. I want to see as many of my friends lives change as I can.
And so I am learning, not all my adventures as a christian will be happy go lucky. Some will be pushing in the spirit and praying fervently for lost souls. Some will be encouraging yourself to keep pushing although in the natural, the situation looks bleak. Some adventures as a christian will push me out of my comfort zone...and that is how a little frustration can do one good. I'm frustrated with my friends attitude toward God, so I'll pray some more...that is all i can do.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The adventures of Sunday School
Yep you read that title correctly (for the few people that actually visit this page),
Anywho I am now a Sunday School teacher. It's a long story and I'll spare you the minute details, but ever since I was little I have wanted to be a teacher. Now that I am in church I feel God has given me that gift. I haven't actually taught yet so we'll see how well that gift is lol. But I love to teach. I love to show people new things and help them form new ideas. I LOVE it. I don't know why but I do.
Well God had laid in on my heart for about 4-5 months to be a Sunday School teacher. I was in Bus and knew I couldn't do both. I didn't want to stop doing Bus but when God lays a burden upon your heart you follow it. So long story short I did. When commitment service came around (our church signs up for new ministry every year) I signed right up. Of course I prayed about what age group He wanted me to teach and the Lord laid upon my heart 3rd grade. For those of you who know me, I have nothing against 3rd graders but if I could have personally chosen, I may have done a higher grade level. Well, God never ceases to amaze me. After I prayed Pastor let the Bus Ministry director and the Children's Pastor talk about why people should join. Funny enough the Children's Pastor mentioned that there was serious need for more 8-9 year old teachers. Well that's 3rd grade isn't it lol. To add to God's amazingness, last Sunday I was talking with my lead instructor and he stated that he and the Children's Pastor had been praying for someone who would help with the 8-9 year olds. He said they had prayed about 4 months ago. My answer to that was " Hmmm...God laid Sunday school on my heart about 4-5 months ago." Isn't that awesome. So God is taking me new places. I love Sunday School already. I just love interacting with the kids and helping with the lesson a bit. I love just hearing what is being taught. Since I'm new I have not taught a lesson yet. Last week was my 2nd week as a teacher : ) but I believe I will teach a lesson one day and that will truly make me overjoyed! What is it that the bible says, "He will give you joy and joy abundantly" Oh yea God sure is pouring joy into my life. Thank You Jesus!
Anywho I am now a Sunday School teacher. It's a long story and I'll spare you the minute details, but ever since I was little I have wanted to be a teacher. Now that I am in church I feel God has given me that gift. I haven't actually taught yet so we'll see how well that gift is lol. But I love to teach. I love to show people new things and help them form new ideas. I LOVE it. I don't know why but I do.
Well God had laid in on my heart for about 4-5 months to be a Sunday School teacher. I was in Bus and knew I couldn't do both. I didn't want to stop doing Bus but when God lays a burden upon your heart you follow it. So long story short I did. When commitment service came around (our church signs up for new ministry every year) I signed right up. Of course I prayed about what age group He wanted me to teach and the Lord laid upon my heart 3rd grade. For those of you who know me, I have nothing against 3rd graders but if I could have personally chosen, I may have done a higher grade level. Well, God never ceases to amaze me. After I prayed Pastor let the Bus Ministry director and the Children's Pastor talk about why people should join. Funny enough the Children's Pastor mentioned that there was serious need for more 8-9 year old teachers. Well that's 3rd grade isn't it lol. To add to God's amazingness, last Sunday I was talking with my lead instructor and he stated that he and the Children's Pastor had been praying for someone who would help with the 8-9 year olds. He said they had prayed about 4 months ago. My answer to that was " Hmmm...God laid Sunday school on my heart about 4-5 months ago." Isn't that awesome. So God is taking me new places. I love Sunday School already. I just love interacting with the kids and helping with the lesson a bit. I love just hearing what is being taught. Since I'm new I have not taught a lesson yet. Last week was my 2nd week as a teacher : ) but I believe I will teach a lesson one day and that will truly make me overjoyed! What is it that the bible says, "He will give you joy and joy abundantly" Oh yea God sure is pouring joy into my life. Thank You Jesus!
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